Friday, August 21, 2009

Swine Flu Preventive Steps At Work Place

Workplace instructions if you become ill or exposed

If you have been diagnosed with H1N1 Flu or have symptoms of this illness including fever and cough, sore throat or body aches you are requested to refrain from coming into any IBM work environment (including customers).

Individuals providing direct care for someone with H1N1 Flu or symptoms of the illness are requested to refrain from coming into any IBM work environment (including customers).

This restriction applies for seven (7) calendar days from the last date of exposure to the ill person. During this time period, the exposed
individual should conduct self screening tests daily for identifying symptoms of illness.

Self screening
Individuals are asked to perform H1N1 Flu illness self screening, following exposure to a confirmed or suspected case. The following steps are to be conducted for self screening:

Step One: Check whether you have symptoms of illness including fever, cough, sore throat or body ache.

Step Two: Check your temperature using a standard, good quality thermometer following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step Three: If you have symptoms as described in Step One or have a temperature greater than 100.4 deg F or 38 deg C, you are asked to refrain from coming into any IBM work environment. You must:

Notify your manager that you are unable to report to work
Contact designated government facilities for further health instructions
Refer to the guidance in Workplace Instructions in the link below