AVOID PIGS - The swine flu is prevalent among pigs during fall and winter. Avoid farms, petting zoos and county fairs that have livestock.
If you are exposed to farm animals, wash your hands thoroughly after contact and especially before touching your nose or mouth. The swine flu is passed from pigs to humans and humans to humans usually by touching something with the flu virus on it and then touching your nose or mouth.
2.WASH YOUR HANDS REGULARLY - Wash your hands regularly, especially before eating, before touching your face and after using the bathroom. 3.BEWARE - You should use caution when you have contact with someone that has recently (last two weeks) come into this country.
Washing your hands periodically during the day and washing your face at night before you go to bed will keep many germs away. You can protect yourself from getting the swine flu it is very rare in humans.
To prevent flu from spreading further one must undestand two points regarding the transmission of virus, first:
1. Respiratory droplets while sneezing and coughing
2. Via fomites - that is particulate matter on hands on which virus ges deposited when you put your hands on mouth when coughing and sneezing; following which one may shake hands or touch furniture/items like computer keyboards etc thus leading the fomite to other persons hand.
Now this uninfected person touches his face/nose/lips and infect oneself beacuse of virus sitting there. So do no handshake/hug/kiss and if you do wash hands and stay away from crowds and 2 arm length from infected people